To Establish An Efficient And Sustainable Coal Production Supply Chain.
Overall Design Solution
The mining and operating of mines, for example, thermal coal mines, have evolved into various risk management areas. Augmented by the supply and demand for specific grades, logistics requirements were created around the management of production and transportation. Compounded by illicit markets causing a rise in theft of the commodity leaves mines with the need to track, reconcile and risk manage loads of product being sold.
Driver Identification
Identification of the transporter and the vehicle operator taking the load is a crucial cornerstone in managing the risk factors. Various solutions exist in the market to identify an operator for different areas of the value chain. This duplication of solutions in multiple areas creates reconciliation and real identification problems. Pintl Black offers an integrated solution with all 3rd party products to give you a single view of who is taking, moving, and delivering the loads.
Tip Locking
To have the ability to control when and where a truck can tip a load has become a critical non-negotiable requirement. The industry offers many silo’ ed approach solutions with different strengths and weaknesses, but none that covers the full spectrum of the value chain and all possible exceptions from environmental conditions to procedural anomalies and alike. Pintl Black has designed a solution that has evolved from the Cash-In-Transit industry to solve the pivotal part of the problem statement and fully integrates with existing locking and tracking solutions. The solutions encompass popular techniques such as Geo-fence control, One-Time-Pin and Swipe-Card access control or Handheld Device control. Bringing them all together and linking them to the operational execution is what Pintl Black does well.
Realtime Event Alerts
Pintl Black offers its users robotic processing of real-time streaming data. The augmentation empowers existing control rooms and operations centres to get real-time monitoring by an automated process of every trip and load on a second-by-second basis and only requires people to manage the alerts and exceptions. The further processing auto-creates the trip logs; processes the documentation and reports on productivity & efficiency metrics. All without human intervention, allowing the people to do what they do best in handling the exceptions and mitigating the risks.
Transport Management
Focus Areas
- Asset Management
- Sub-contractor Management
- Driver Management
- Compliance Management
- Contracts
- Orders
- Transport Planning
- Availability
- Utilisation
- Cycle Times
- License & Permit Expiries
Weighbridge Management
Focus Areas
- Weighbridge Data
- Access Control
- On-site Automation
- Tarpaulin Management
- Grabber Management
- Quantity Loaded
- Quantity Delivered
- Loading Times
- Off-Loading Times
- Load Audit Log of Transport
- Digital Weighbridge Data
Load Management
Focus Areas
- Asset Tracking
- Driver Identification
- Video Streaming
- Event Recording
- Geo-Locking
- Route & Waypoint Allocation
- Asset Tracking
- Realtime Trips on Routes
- Geo-Fence Tipping
- Live & Historical Video Footage
- Route Deviation Exceptions
Realtime Reports
Load Monitoring
Realtime Data
Industrialised Automation And Data-Driven Solutions
Block C, Little Fourways Office Park, 1 Leslie Ave, Cnr William Nicol Drive, Fourways, South Africa
+27 (0)11 465 5169